Screenshot of simple bank's design
Simple Bank
  • The Simple Bank is a backend service for a simple bank, which provides APIs for: create and manage bank accounts; record all balance changes to each of the accounts; and perform a money transfer between two accounts.
  • Language and tools used in this project include: SQL, Docker, Golang, Gin, JWT, Kubernetes, etc.
Link to the project on Github
Screenshot of steady-sobriety
Steady Sobriety
  • Steady Sobriety is a MERN stack web application that provides tools for individuals to overcome alcohol abuse, with features including drinking history recording, sober time tracking, and sober leaderboard, etc.
  • Language and tools used in this project: Backend: Node + Express, MongoDB, passport.js Frontend: React, Vite, CSS, Bootstrap Deployment: Render, MongoDB Altas
Link to the project on Github
Screenshot of steady-sobriety
Smoke Free Hero
  • Smoke Free Hero is an iOS application for quitting smoking, which help users track quitting progress, calculate associated financial and health benefits, and engage in a community discussion forum for mutual support.
  • Language and tools used in this project: Swift, Firebase Authentication, Firestore Database, and Firebase Storage
Link to the project on Github
Screenshot of steady-sobriety
Planet Protectors
  • PlanetProtector is a web application that embeds three mini-games made with Scratch that aim to educate children on key facts about global warming in a fun and engaging way.
  • Language and tools used in this project: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap Backend: NodeJS, Express.js, MongoDB Others: Scratch, Github, Render
Link to the project on Github

More Projects Coming!